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Cultural heritage

The ruins of the Háromhegyi Pálos church and monastery near Martonyi village

Háromhegyi Pálos church and monastery  - Aggteleki National Park

The impressiveruins of the Háromhegyi Pálos church and monastery is situated in the south part of the Aggtelek National Park with a lovely setting surrounded by woods. It can be found about 3.5 kms far from Martonyi village. It was built by the only order founded in Hungary, the so called pálos-order.

It is the most significant medieval monument – together with the ruins of Szádvár - in the park.

The Pálos order got papal confirmation in 1308 through Cardinal Gentilis’ good offices. The order had several monasteries in the country and later outside Hungary, as well. For example there are ruins of Pálos monastery in the Bükk mountains (near Kurityán and Szentlélek) or in Slovakia near Gombaszög.

The brief history of the monastery

The monastery near Martonyi was founded by the nobles (the son of Tekes) of the village in 1341. In 1399 it was the property of Szalonnai István and his sons. The three altars of the church dedicated to Virgin Mary was consecrated in 1411.

The changes owing to the war with the Turkish determined the future of the church. It became vacant around 1550.

Present and future:

It is the best-preserved monastery belonged to the pálos-order in Hungary. The nave, the gable and the side-walls have remained. Around the church there are the buried parts of the cloister. The building is suitable for reconstruction. During the long years of ignorance nature has tried to reconquer this place. Two huge beech-trees grew inside the ruins. Unfortunately these old trees had to be cut out because it endangered the stability of the building.

In the end of 1997 it came under public ownership and under the management of the Aggtelek National Park Directorate.

In 2001 the conservation process started. In this way the preservation of this national value has been secured.



Háromhegyi Pálos church and monastery reconstruction plan - Aggteleki Nemzeti Park
2021. 02. 23. Print page
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