Baradla Trail (Aggtelek-Jósvafõ) – yellow waymarking
The most visited educational trail in the national park was established in 1983. The 7.5-kilometre long trail connects the Aggtelek and Jósvafõ cave entrances and passes through open and covered karst areas. Visitors can learn about both the natural and cultural assets of the region from 18 yellow info-boards which offer visitors information on the sights. The tour takes about 3 hours.
Tohonya-Kuriszlán Trail (Jósvafõ) – yellow waymarking
The trail was established on the 10th anniversary of the national park in 1995. This 9-kilometre long trail is recommended for visitors interested primarily in geology. The major sights on the trail are indicated by 25 yellow info-boards. The tour takes about 5-6 hours.
Alsó-hegy Shaft Trail – red T in white circle
The 8.5-kilometre long trail (established in 2000) departs from Bódvaszilas and passes some of the major shafts (vertical caves) of the Alsó-hegy. The trail takes approx. 5 hours with visiting all 14 stops.
Borz [Badger] Trail (Szin-Szelcepuszta)
The trail was established in 2001. Its aim is to acquaint visitors with local forestry and hunting activities, as well as the major forest types. The total length of the trail is 2.8 kilometres and includes 15 stops.
Északerdõ Rt., Jósva-Tornai Erdészeti Igazgatóság
3761 Szin, Szabadság u. 84., tel: +36/48/464-004
Tourinform – Aggtelek
3759 Aggtelek, Baradla oldal 3.
Tel.: +36/48/503-000 Fax: +36/48/503-002
If you need more information visit the Official site of Aggtelek National Park!